Friday, October 22, 2010
Just A Few Old Pieces..
Thought i'd post a few of my older pieces while i am working on getting some newer ones photographed! enjoy!
First Friday This November!
okay so this is the first time that i will be featuring my art publicly! i know! exciting! haha we will be showing at this years "First Friday" on November 5th 2010! i want to see all of you there! My friend James Portello, creator of "Black Rogue", another incredibly amazing art company will be featured with me! so if you get a chance you should also check his stuff out. i'll be posting the link later and hopefully we can figure out a way to link each other's blogs to one another's so you can see your collaborated pieces. it may take us some time considering that we are artist, not computer wiz's. anyhow, we hope to see you all at the show! we know it's going to be amazing!
Friday, September 3, 2010
Such Great Heights..
it sucks not knowing where you stand. not only do you not know what you are allowed and not allowed to do, you can't even ask! because that just makes things awkward. for both parties. unless you have guts and self respect, you most likely will never ask. you just let the pieces fall where they may and try to read the signs (which of course are always hazy). you're called 'babe' one minute and 'dude' the next. are you allowed to go out with friends of the opposite sex without telling them first? how many times a day should you converse? how come no one has the decency to ask someone to be their girlfriend or boyfriend? that's how they use to do it right? little notes that say: will you be my gf? check yes or no. i want one of those. sooo bad. it's romantic in a weird sort of way. i bet one day, people are gonna stop getting married, just because you can sleep with someone and have kids and not ever have to give anything to commitment. that's the type of people we've become. i don't know how we've lied to ourselves so much into thinking that this type of living was okay, that it is NORMAL> im gagging. such ignorance. yet, despite the few outcries of disapproval, we all continue to participate. no one wants to be alone, and no matter how old you are, you're now "sick and tired of living life alone." i've felt that way time to time. it's one of the worst feelings. except for the fact that im only 18. however, being such an age makes everything in life feel like the end of the world. i'd love to skip this mindset. but it's a weird hardwiring that we all have built in. someday i'll know why. i don't want to be alone, and i've never been like most kids my age who want to party and go to college and have some sort of dream job and lots of cash! i want some kids. a house maybe. a soulmate. i don't care if i ever have money. i don't want to test drive a billion men before i can find the right one. my life story is too short to fill with crappy chapters that no one will want to read and i'll regret writing. i know what i want. i know what's important. but, God has me alone right now for a reason and i guess i just have to suck that up. the more alone i am, the quieter it is, and the easier it becomes to hear his reply to my questions..
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Thing I Will Never Like..
1. People waking me up before my alarm clock.
if you do this, you are most likely on my "S" list for life.
2. Unrequited love.
because that's just plain sad.
3. Dry/Split ended hair.
I don't even care if it's your hair that's split. just mine.
4. Green Mike n Ikes.
5. The last piece of gum.
there is something depressing about this.
6. Dull crayons.
what can you really do with these?
7. Smelly feet.
no comment.
8. Stretched out jeans.
i don't want to pay for expensive jeans so i can revert back to my childhood and look like i pooped my pants. not cool.
9. Sharing my food.
i just don't. i got that amount of food because i was hungry for that much. besides, i don't want your slobber on everything.
10. Stupid looking tattoos.
how drunk were you?
11. Waiting.
because life isn't hard enough.
12. How chip bags and medicine bottles are never filled to the top.
this was a problem BEFORE the recession. you guys aren't hurting for resources. there's no shortage. you're just cheap.
13. Running out of shampoo.
i have this dyer need to keep my scalp clean. this just doesn't work for me.
14. Over-eating.
the only time i want to feel/look pregnant is when i am married.
15. Not remembering where i put things.
i think it is a generally-known, unsavory feeling to be loosing your mind.
16. Wet socks.
my feet don't appreciate that.
17. Sleeping in dirty sheets.
this could refer to a number of things, but in general lets just wash our sheets once a week and never sleep unless you're showered.
18. Lumpy nail polish.
i guess i don't really care for nail polish in general, but it's especially unpleasant when it's all lumpy and messed up. plus, looks ugly. so what's the point then?
19. Waking up because of migraines.
do i really have to explain this one?
20. The fact that i will never marry; Jude Law, Gerard Butler, Leonardo DiCaprio, Hayden Christensen, or Christian Bale.
do guys that good looking even exist outside of the Hollywood circle?
21. Dusty blinds.
it just bugs okay?
22. Being cold.
which, i usually am. i don't mind so much if it's a cold area, but my hands and toes are always freezing. having to sleep with that is unpleasant.
23. Paying rent.
yay i worked my ass off all week and finally get the reward of some hard earned cash! oh... wait... this all goes to rent.... want to go to the 7-eleven and spend my last two dollars?
24. How technology keeps advancing so you always have to keep buying new things to be up to date with the century.
no further explanation necessary.
25. People who just can't take a hint.
"hey friend!"
"how was your day??"
"im soooo glad we are best friends! want to hang out everyday!?"
"okay i will see you in a bit then!"
"dude, i hate you."
"bffs fo lyf!"
"no seriously. go away."
"me, you, movies. pick you up in an hour!"
26. Obnoxiously rude people.
i told this guy to have a nice day as he left my work. he said "Whatever." who says that?
27. Braille on drive-up ATMS.
what's that about?
28. People who text me, but then expect me to make all the convo.
well..... goodbye now!
29. The postman drives on the right side of the car.
where do we live again?
30. Liars.
seriously son, why?
They Made a Statue of Us..
I have finally finished to album cover to Sherry Colvin's new soaking worship Cd. I was recruited for this task, quite some time ago but lacking to motivation to complete it. Thanks to some just-in-time inspiration from my Daddy upstairs, it is completed and to Sherry's approval. I've decided to stop looking at it so i don't start critiquing it. It of course isn't my best work, but then again, nothing ever will be if it is someone else's vision and not my own. So, with paint brush in hand and song in heart, i began a new painting on some shelves that i found stashed up in my closet. (I sincerely hope those wont be missed.) I finished that painting in about fifteen minutes. I have a million different titles for it, so when i am 100% sure about what it means and what i think it's saying, i will post it along with a photograph.
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